Charles Eisenstein Workshop: "(Transition) Activists and Leadership Intensive" Sunday 27. April in Bielefeld

Sonntag, 27. April 2014 - 9:00 - 15:00
Universität Bielefeld; Details kommen nach Anmeldung

To register click here. Limited space only!

Join Charles Eisenstein in a day-long intensive for leaders, healers, and social activists.
Charles will be assisted by Gerd Wessling (Transition Trainer & co-founder of the Transition Netzwerk D/A/CH).

Course content:

Our society is entering a time of profound transformation. Crises in the economy, the ecosystem, health, education, water, energy, and more are propelling our civilization toward a radically different way of living on planet earth. Such conditions call for a new kind of leader, and even a whole new paradigm of leadership. At stake are the deep questions: "Who are we?" "What are we here to create?" "What is the role of humanity on earth, and how may I contribute to it?"

In this gathering we will explore, in concept and in practice:

  •     Our unique historical moment: from separation to connection.
  •     The psychodynamics of transition (personal, organizational, planetary).
  •     The rebirth of community.
  •     Leadership in an age of social and ecological healing.
  •     A leader: "One who creates opportunities for others to express their gifts."
  •     A leader: "One who holds the story of what-is-to-be."
  •     What does leadership mean in a non-hierarchical setting?

Workshop details:

- The workshop will take place in central Bielefeld. Venue Details upon registration.

- Workshop language will be English only

- Workshop time is Sunday 27th April; 9.00h to 15h

- No accomodation provided.

- Workshop Costs:
Self-determined for Charles & Gerd together; based on your sense of gratitude, value, and fairness.
A deposit of 35 Euro is required to hold your space. This will be refunded upon request at the venue; but only if you appear in person.


About the coures leaders:
Charles Eisenstein is a teacher, speaker, and the author of numerous works, including The Ascent of Humanity, and most recently, Sacred Economics. His writing focuses on themes of holistic health, consciousness, economics, and civilization. His writings have generated a vast online following; he speaks frequently at conferences and other events, and gives numerous interviews on radio and podcasts.

A Yale graduate in philosophy and mathematics, Mr. Eisenstein has served on faculty at Penn State's Department of Science, Technology, and Society, and is currently on the faculty of Goddard College's Health Arts and Sciences Program.

Here is an Interview of Rob Hopkins in 2012 with Charles (who spoke to a packed 400 people auditorium that night in Totnes):

Nachrichten und Pressestimmen über Charles Eisenstein:

Gerd Wessling (Germany) is a physicist with long-term connections to places like Auroville (India), Schumacher College (UK) and Totnes (UK). He is Co-Founder of Transition Town Bielefeld and of Transition Netzwerk D/A/CH (Germany/Austria/ Switzerland). As a certified Transition Trainer he is leading Europe wide Transition workshops. He also facilitates courses at Schumacher College.

To register click here. Limited space only!

PS: On Saturday April 26th Charles will already give a public talk in Bielefeld at 15.30h in the Hörsaal H4 / University of Bielefeld

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